Some people vape when they feel sad or depressed and also do it to leave cigarettes. There are many other reasons that few people love the flavor of vape. Some feel confident by just grabbing something from which they can take a puff. It is a relaxed feeling to have a vape mod or pod in hand, and it’s that comfort that some people slant on to get rid of their anxiety. They want peace and comfort during vaping; therefore, they feel it is more comfortable to take puffs rather than their time for anxiety. They usually thought that it’s a great source of pleasure. It depends on your thinking status and mind feelings. If you vape to release your anxiety, your mind makes a setup feel better if you do vape. So when you vape, you will feel more satisfied and relaxed. It all depends on your personality, how you use it, and how you set up your thoughts Let’s have more into how vaping can probably help in doing away with anxiety. WHAT IS ANXIETY? It is salient that we should know what anxie...